Discover Energy endeavours to manage each complaint it receives in a respectful, empathetic and efficient manner towards the customer involved. Discover Energy regularly trains their representatives on techniques that try to encourage an amicable relationship between the customer and Discover Energy to remain after the complaint / dispute is resolved.

For each complaint our representatives are encouraged to:

• Be customer focused

• Be open and accountable

• Acting fairly and proportionately

• Resolving all complaints efficiently and effectively

Discover Energy also encourages its representatives to be patient, articulate and be able to fairly balance the interests of the organisation with those of the consumer. Discover Energy always encourages its representatives to communicate legitimate complaints to the leadership team so that the business can effectively assess any need for changes to policies and processes.

Discover Energy will always ensure the training undertaken helps strengthen communication skills also alert representatives to the different needs of consumers from different cultural, ethnic, economic or educational backgrounds.

Our commitment:

We recognise you have the right to raise concerns regarding your energy supply and service

We will attempt to resolve any issues you have in relation to any product, offer or service we provide in an effective, professional and respectful manner

We will respond quickly to complaints with the aim of resolving the complaint with you within the first phone call

We will consistently keep you informed of progress being made on a complaint raised by you

We will advise you of how and when you can escalate a complaint to more senior staff at Discover Energy, and inform you of the Ombudsman; or any other relevant organisation

We will use your feedback to further improve the way we manage complaints and disputes;

The Discover Energy Complaints Handling procedure aims to always be:

Objective: All complaints are dealt with in an unbiased and objective manner with a fair and reasonable outcome for both parties always being the priority;

Accessible: We will ensure that you have access to all relevant information you require about how, when and where to make a complaint.

In the event you have a complaint in relation to our products or services you need to follow these steps:
Step 1
Contact the Discover Energy Customer Care team for any complaint in relation to your electricity. It is at this point of contact where our representatives will aim to help resolve the complaint.
Step 2
Discover Energy will acknowledge all complaints within 3 business days and will aim to resolve your complaint within 15 business days. If by chance your complaint is not resolved within 15 business days, Discover Energy will contact you directly to establish a new timeframe.

Please note that Discover Energy's dispute resolution services are provided free of charge and is consistent with the Australian Standard AS ISO 10002-2006 (Customer satisfaction –Guidelines for complaints handling in organisations).

You have rights to ask for access to, or for correction of, personal information that we hold about you. You may obtain information by contacting our Customer Care team

1300 658 519 (Monday to Friday 9:00am – 5:00pm EST)
PO Box 665, North Sydney NSW 2059

We take complaints and enquiries regarding privacy very seriously. If you have a query regarding our handling of your personal information, or would like to access or update your personal information, please contact us on the details above

Our Privacy and Credit Reporting Policy contain details on how to raise privacy-related queries.

If you would not like to be contacted by Discover Energy for sales and marketing purposes, call us on 1300 658 519 or email us at and we will add you to our Do Not Contact list.

The Energy and Water Ombudsman in each state is a free and independent service that can provide information, advice and assistance to customers. If a Complainant in not satisfied with Discover Energy's response or investigation about a lodged complaint or wishes to seek independent advice about it, the Complainant may contact the relevant state Energy Ombudsman at anytime for assistance or review of the outcome of the complaint.

Discover Energy is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of your personal information. During any complaint procedure, we will keep your personal information confidential and will not disclose it to third parties (except as may be permitted or required under relevant privacy legislation). A copy of Discover Energy's Privacy Policy is available on request.

For Interpreter Services in other languages please contact 131450

若你需要口譯員,請致電131 450聯絡翻譯和口譯服務署 (TIS National), 要求他們致電 1300 663 568 聯絡 Discover Energy。 我們的工作時間是 Mon-Fri 9:00am-5:00pm。

Aν χρειάζεστε διερμηνέα, παρακαλείστε να τηλεφωνήσετε στην Υπηρεσία Μετάφρασης και Διερμηνείας (Εθνική Υπηρεσία TIS) στο 131 450 και ζητήστε να τηλεφωνήσουν Discover Energy στο 1300 663 568. Οι ώρες λειτουργίας μας είναι Mon-Fri 9:00am to 5:00pm.

Si necesita intérprete, llame al Servicio de Traducción e Interpretación - Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS National) al 131 450 y pídales que llamen a Discover Energy al 1300 663 568. Nuestro horario de atención es Mon-Fri 9:00am to 5:00pm.

Nếu cần thông ngôn viên, xin quý vị gọi cho Dịch Vụ Thông Phiên Dịch (TIS Toàn Quốc) qua số 131 450 và nhờ họ gọi cho Discover Energy qua số 1300 663 568. Giờ làm việc của chúng tôi là Mon-Fri 9:00am to 5:00pm.

إذا كنتم بحاجة إلى مترجم، الرجاء الاتصال بخدمة الترجمة الخطية والشفهية (TIS National) على الرقم 131 450، والطلب منهم الاتصال بوكالتكم Discover Energy على الرقم1300 663 56 أوقات عملنا هي Mon-Fri, 9:00am to 5:00pm

Energy and Water Ombudsman NSW (EWON)

Mail: Reply Paid 86550 Sydney South NSW 1234

Freecall: 1800 246 545

Freefax: 1800 812 291



Energy and Water Ombudsman Queensland (EWOQ)

Mail: PO Box 3640, South Brisbane QLD 4101

Freecall: 1800 662 837

Fax: (07) 3087 9477

Email: or


Energy and Water Ombudsman South Australia (EWOSA)

Mail: GPO Box 2947, Adelaide SA 5001

Freecall: 1800 665 565

Freefax: 1800 665 165


Energy and Water Ombudsman Victoria (EWOV)

Mail: Reply Paid 469, Melbourne VIC 8060

Freecall: 1800 500 509

Freefax: 1800 500 549



Energy and Water Ombudsman Western Australia (EWOWA)

Mail: PO Box Z5386, St Georges Terrace, Perth WA 6831

Phone: (08) 9220 7588 or 1800 754 004

Fax: 08 9220 7599



Energy and Water Ombudsman Australian Capital Territory (ACT Ombudsman)

Mail: ACT Ombudsman, GPO Box 442, Canberra ACT 2601

Phone: (02) 6276 3773
