Discover Energy endeavours to manage each complaint it receives in a respectful, empathetic and efficient manner towards the customer involved. Discover Energy regularly trains their representatives on techniques that try to encourage an amicable relationship between the customer and Discover Energy to remain after the complaint / dispute is resolved.
For each complaint our representatives are encouraged to:
• Be customer focused
• Be open and accountable
• Acting fairly and proportionately
• Resolving all complaints efficiently and effectively
Discover Energy also encourages its representatives to be patient, articulate and be able to fairly balance the interests of the organisation with those of the consumer. Discover Energy always encourages its representatives to communicate legitimate complaints to the leadership team so that the business can effectively assess any need for changes to policies and processes.
Discover Energy will always ensure the training undertaken helps strengthen communication skills also alert representatives to the different needs of consumers from different cultural, ethnic, economic or educational backgrounds.